Mantle Technology Platform Terms
Release Notes v1.8.0
Published: January 2019
Enhancement #1 - API update
Mantle API has been updated to enable better understanding and having standardized routes. This update will force mandatory changes on Mantle API uses. Future changes will be semantical and route deprecated but supported along new releases guaranteeing sufficient time to process changes.
Enhancement #2 - Tracker Mass transfer*
Mantle Tracker now offers mass transfer. This allows to conveniently issue or transfer multiple assets to multiple users at the same time. New routes were implemented and are added to our API documentation.
Enhancement #3 - Tracker dynamic multi-asset creation*
Mantle Tracker now handles dynamic creation of multi-asset. Multi-assets allow the creation of cryptographically linked asset objects. The creation process has been simplified. While creating a multi-asset, it is now possible to add a non-existing asset to it. This will create all missing assets and then generate a new multi-asset that is cryptographically linked to each asset component.
Enhancement #4 - Mantle SDK automatic update
Mantle SDK is now updated and will be automatically released along with our platform on upcoming releases. You can directly add this library to your project, come take a look: https://github.com/mantle-labs/mantle-lib/tree/master/csharp-client
- Tracker Mass Transfers and Dynamic Multi-Asset Creation have special pricing. Read More
Fix #1 - Login issues
Multiple login fixes were made to enhance its stability such as cache managing improvements, better display, and rendering, also security.
Fix #2 - Better SmartHashing
File support has been improved for SmartHashing methods in order to have better performance and to handle edge case.
Known Issues and Problems
Issue #1 - Tracker revert action
Tracker revert action on the dashboard sub-menu is still disabled due to batches link.
A fix is expected in the next release.
Issue #2 - JSON and XML specific support
We are missing some file specific support: json, xml.
Our base files specific support includes: txt, doc, docx, pdf, png, jpg, jpeg, bitmap, tif, json, xml, binary.
A fix is expected in the next release.
If needed, you can still use these format but they will be saved as a binary type.
Release Notes v1.8.1
Published: 2019-01-21
Known Issues and Problems
Issue #1 - Tracker revert action
Tracker revert action on the dashboard sub-menu is now enabled and fixed.
Release Notes v1.8.2
Published: 2019-01-29
Fix #3 - Platform login
An improvement was made to cache and assure automatic refresh of the token also as error management.
Known Issues and Problems
Issue #2 - JSON and XML specific support
Improvements are being made in order to assure these files support.
Release Notes v1.8.3
Published: 2019-02-05
Enhancement #5 - Smarthashing performance
Smarthashing performance improvements and small fixes were implemented.
Updated about 6 years ago