Some usage example of the Mantle Gateway:

Creating a Receipt

This operation correspond to posting data on a network, the reponse is a Receipt that contains the pointer to the data posted.

cURL example

curl -X POST '' -H 'x-api-key:{{API_KEY}}' -F 'file=@{{PATH_TO_FILE}}'



Get a Receipt

This operation correspond to downloading the data at a pointer.

A receiptId is needed to perform this action

cURL example

curl GET '{receiptId}' --H 'x-api-key: {{API_KEY}}'


The Gatway return a stream containing the data at the pointer of the Receipt

Get all Receipts

This operation will return a list of the Receipts created.

cURL example

curl GET '' --H 'x-api-key: {{API_KEY}}'

A list of Receipts
